Sunday 8 May 2011

Crashing A Chicken In The Silikon Kitchen (F*ck Off)

My first remix. It's not that good, but as an historical document, it's priceless.

Welcome To Heck

Hello there! My name is Marvin Greenwater, part-time Michael Jackson look-alike and full-time manager of the most exciting, mind-blowing new artist to come down the pike in a donkey's years - DJ Shortpants.

Congratulations are in order, because you've just stumbled across the Interweb home for all of incredible new artist DJ Shortpants' creative endeavours!

These spurts of ingenious geniousness could include (but are not limited to) outrageously over-the-top videos, phantasmagorically phantastic musical mixes, and even the occasional short story from the famously festering mind of the supremely talented, almost awe-inspiringly god-like, DJ Shortpants.

So, Dear Guest, welcome! And remember...Cha-mone!